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Report Violation of Human Rights


Report Violation of Human Rights

KOICA, as an organization responsible for Korea’s ODA, upholds the highest standards of accountability, compliance and the protection of human rights.

KOICA encourages anyone to report any information or complaints concerning misconduct, particularly actions violating human rights by stakeholders involved in KOICA projects, including KOICA staff, WFK volunteers, and implementing entities. Please use the following channel to submit report :

How to File a Complaint : Please fill out the complaint form and send it to us by e-mail.
- E-mail: humanrights@koica.go.kr - Form: Complaint Form(download link)

※ Note: For general complaints or questions, please use the 'Question & Answer' page.

Information can be processed most effectively if the reported matter is described conclusively following above the ‘Complaint Form’.
KOICA is fully committed to treating all information provided with the utmost confidentiality.