Receive requests for assistance from affected countries and/or international organizations
Review requests
Determine type and amount of support (cash, goods, etc.)
Provide humanitarian assistance and receive reports
Large-Scale* Disasters
Receive requests for assistance from affected countries and/or international organizations
Organize a director-level meeting among relevant ministries/Public-Private Joint Council for Overseas Emergency Relief**
Deployment of the Korea Disaster Relief Team (KDRT)
Implement relief activities and review activities
*An overseas disaster that the Minister of Foreign Affairs deems it necessary for the international community to provide humanitarian assistance due to the considerable size of damage in view of the loss of lives, the loss of property and/or other factors
**A council that consults and decides basic matters necessary to facilitate overseas emergency relief operations such as:
- The details and scale of overseas emergency relief - The method of cooperation with central administrative agencies - The methods of cooperation between the government and the private sector - Basic overseas emergency relief measures
- Minister of Foreign Affairs serves as a chairperson, and representatives from relevant ministries/organizations such as the Ministry of Health and Welfare, National Fire Agency and KOICA attend the meeting.