KOICA is preparing a customized support strategy based on an analysis of the partner countries’ policy and energy environment. Specially, KOICA makes efforts to respond to climate change through sustainable energy and to realize inclusive growth through establishment of the Energy Mid-Term Strategy (2021-2025) considering SDGs and the SE4ALL initiative.
Vision / Mission / Strategic Objectives
Promoting sustainable development through righteous energy production and consumption
MISSIONTo contribute to carbon neutrality and realize inclusive growth through eco-friendly energy transitions
Respond to climate change by increasing renewable energy output
Provide better access to modern energy for the energy-underprivileged
Improve energy efficiency and power quality through technological cooperation
Strategic Objectives & Programs
1Provide better access to modern energy for the energy-underprivilegedSDG 7.1
Providing modern energy to the underprivileged
Major programs: - Distribution of clean cookstoves - Distribution of solar home systems (SHS) - Establishment of a distributed micro-grid system ※ Boosting the link with programs in other sectors such as rural development
2Respond to climate change by increasing renewable energy outputSDG 7.2
Distribution and spread of renewable energy
Major programs: - Power generation from solar and hydro energy sources - Establishment of grid-connected power generation systems - Support for pilot projects and systems to promote the supply of renewable energy
3Improve energy efficiency and power quality through technological cooperationSDG 7.3, 7.a, 7.b
Improving the energy efficiency of industrial/residential facilities
Major programs: - Automation of energy transmission and distribution, and efficiency improvements - Technical assistance for passive housing buildings - Heating and thermal efficiency improvements - Capacity building (HRD) and R&D infrastructure support