To suggest sustainable solutions for the problems of Internally Displaced Persons (IDP) and promote peacebuilding by supporting the community of Internally Displaced Persons (IDP) and strengthening the capacity of relevant institutions
Project Activities
A follow-up project of the Transitional Solutions Initiative (TSI) that was carried out in collaboration with KOICA, UNHCR, and UNDP in Colombia. This project mainly provides protection for Internally Displaced People (IDP) living in illegal areas and develops durable solutions for them. In particular, it is being conducted focusing on institutional capacity development at the national level, institutional capacity development at the local level, and the development of the beneficiary community's capacity through participatory methods and improvement in access to public services.
Statistical data of projects may be browsed and downloaded from KOICA Statistics Service.
※ Data by region, project, category, and type can be searched by adjusting conditions.